Located in the Navarra region, about 100 km North-West of Zaragoza, the desert area of the Bardenas Reales is characterized by clay and chalk soils eroded by wind and water, creating stunning landscapes like canyons, plateaus and strange shaped hills (one of that, the Cabezos Castildetierra, is considered the symbol of this area).
The area (about 42.000 hectares) is divided into three well-defined zones: the Bardena Negra, the Plano and the Bardena Blanca.
Landscape, temperature and movie location (in 1999 it was the set of a nuclear bunker in James Bond – The World is not Enough and recently it has become the Dothraki Sea in the popular TV series Game of Thrones) make this area similar to the Western U.S.A. famous national parks.