Tourist map of SPORADES and EVIA

Interactive travel and tourist map of Sporades and Evia: click on icons and writings on the map to open web links.

Most of the tourists prefer the three northern islands of Skiáthos, Skópelos, and Alónissos, which represent the epitome of Aegean holiday getaways, boasting breathtaking beaches, lush landscapes, and crystal-clear waters. These islands are therefore usually busy during the high season.
The National Marine Park of Alonnisos and Northern Sporades, which includes Alonnisos along with six small islands (Peristera, Kyra Panagia, Yioura, Psathoura, Piperi and Skantzoura), proptects dolphins, monk seals, several seabird species and wild goats. It is the largest marine protected area in Europe and it can be visited by boat excursions.

Skyros, the largest island among the Sporades, possesses a distinct character, with small, glistening bays, rolling farmlands, and extensive pine forests in the northern part and arid hills and a rugged coastline in the southern region.
One of Skyros’s unique attractions is its connection to the Skyrian horses, which are believed to be linked to the horses used by Achilles during his expedition to Troy and even associated with those of Alexander the Great. These remarkable horses can still be found in the wild on the island.

Less popular Evvia, Greece’s second-largest island combines the allure of the Greek islands and mainland with its unique identity. It is linked to the mainland by a bridge in Chalkida and offers a wealth of experiences, from scenic mountain roads to historical sites and uncrowded beaches, making it a cherished retreat for Athenians and mainlanders.

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Tourist map of Sporades and Evia
Tourist map of Sporades and Evia

Discover Sporades and Evia islands’ best tourist attractions and top sights through our map! Which are the best places to visit in Alonissos, Skiáthos, Skópelos, Skyros and Evia? Simply click on the map’s links to be quickly redirected to images and useful websites for accommodation, activities, transport and much more.

photo © Marco Verch/ Flickr