Tourist map of RHODES and the DODECANESE ISLANDS

Interactive travel and tourist map of Rhodes and the Dodecanese Islands: click on icons and writings on the map to open web links.

The Dodecanese Islands in the Aegean Sea are a captivating destination to explore. Rhodes Island stands out with its UNESCO World Heritage City, while Patmos Island entices with its spiritual charm. Rhodes Town’s medieval wonders await, from the Old Town to the Palace of the Grand Master. Patmos is home to the sacred Cave of the Apocalypse and the Monastery of Saint John. Enjoy sun-drenched beaches like Lindos and the serenity of Patmos’ Psili Ammos. Discover hidden gems such as the Valley of the Butterflies and Seven Springs. The Dodecanese Islands offer a remarkable blend of history, spirituality, and natural beauty.

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Tourist map of Rhodes and the Dodecanese Islands
Tourist map of Rhodes and the Dodecanese Islands

Discover Rhodes and the Dodecanese Islands best tourist attractions and top sights through our map! Which are the best places to visit in Rhodes? Simply click on the map’s links to be quickly redirected to images and useful websites for accommodation, activities, transport and much more.

photo © Shadowgate/ Flickr – Rhodes Old Town