Tourist map of WESTERN USA

Interactive travel and tourist map of West USA: click on icons and writings on the map to open web links.

It is too difficult to summarise in a few words what the Western USA has to offer to the travelers… The greatest concentration of National Parks is in the Colorado Plateau, the “Red Rock Country”, a desert area where erosion has created natural rock wonders and lunar landscapes unique on Earth.

The northern regions, once lands of Cheyenne, Crows and Sioux, can boast magnificent mountain scenery and parks such as the Badlands in South Dakota, the Glacier National Park in Montana and the incredible Yellowstone National Park, the first established national park in the U.S.A. and perhaps the most beautiful in the world, located on the border between Wyoming, Montana and Idaho.

The West Coast features vibrant cities such as San Francisco, San Diego, Los Angeles and Seattle, house of the 90’s grunge music, other stunning natural parks like Yosemite and Sequoia in California or the Crater Lake in Oregon … what else?

United States of America

Population: 324.099.600
Area: 9.833.517
Official Language: English
Currency: United States Dollar
Drivers Lane: Right
When to go: All Year

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Sunrise and Sunset times Western USA
Tourist map of USA
Tourist map of West USA.


scenic railways:
Rocky Mountaineer
Grand Canyon Railway
Napa Valley Wine Train
Sunset Limited (L.A.- New Orleans)
Durango – Silverton Railway
California Zephyr

Shark Cage Diving – San Diego
Vermillion Cliffs National Monument

Discover Western USA best tourist attractions and top sights through our map! Which are the best places to visit in Western USA and the best things to do in Western USA? Simply click on the map’s links to be quickly redirected to images and useful websites for accommodation, activities, transport and much more about Western USA travel.

The West Coast features vibrant cities such as San Francisco, San Diego, Los Angeles, and Seattle, house of the 90’s grunge music, and other stunning natural parks like Yosemite and Sequoia in California or the Crater Lake in Oregon – all easily accessible especially if you own a campervan, giving you the freedom to explore these diverse landscapes at your own pace.

photo © Alessio Gagliardi