Tourist map of ALBANIA

Interactive travel and tourist map of Albania: click on icons and writings on the map to open web links.

Not touristy, not unspoiled, Albania is a good mix to enjoy a vacation with various scenery, from the stunning mountains of the Teth National Park and the splendid Skadar Lake in the North to the Osum Canyon and the white sandy beach of Ksamil in the South. 

Population: 2.876.600
Area: 28.748
Official Language: Albanian
Currency: Lek
Drivers Lane: Right
When to Go: from April to October

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Interactive tourist map of Albania
Tourist map of Albania

Discover Albania’s best tourist attractions and top sights through our map! Which are the best places to visit in Albania and the best things to do in Albania? Simply click on the map’s links to be quickly redirected to images and useful websites for accommodation, activities, transport and much more about Albania travel.

photo © Thomas Maluck / Flickr