Tourist map of MOROCCO


Interactive travel and tourist map of Morocco: click on icons and writings on the map to open web links.

The very friendly and hospitable Moroccan people will welcome and accompany you across this beautiful land from Marrakech’s Djemaa el-Fna, one of the world’s most charming square, through the stunning scenery of the Atlas mountains, the imperial cities and their fascinating medinas, to the southern beaches and the incredible atmosphere of the Sahara desert.

Population: 33.848.200 
Area: 446.550
Official Languages: Arabian, Tamazight, French 
Currency: Dirham 
Drivers Lane: Right 
When to go: from March to May, from October to December

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Interactive tourist map of Morocco
Tourist map of Morocco


Morocco tourism official website
Lalla Takerkoust Lake (Marrakech)
Ourika Valley (Marrakech)
Ouzoud Waterfalls
Gara Medouar

Discover Morocco’s best attractions and top sights through our map! Which are the best places to visit in Morocco and the best things to do in Morocco? Simply click on the map’s links to be quickly redirected to images and useful websites for accommodation, activities, transport and much more about Morocco travel.

photo © mytouristmaps (Djemaa el Fna, Marrakech)