Tourist map of COSTA RICA

Interactive travel and tourist map of Costa Rica: click on icons and writings on the map to open web links.

“Pura Vida” is the Costa Rican motto… it couldn’t exist a better way to summarise the friendliness of the people and the beauty of this small country with rainforests, cloud forests, volcanoes and beautiful beaches.

Population: 4.805.000 
Area: 51.100
Official Language: Spanish 
Currency: Costa Rican Colòn 
Drivers Lane: Right 
When to go: from November to April

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Sunrise and Sunset times Costa Rica
Interactive tourist map of Costa Rica
Tourist map of Costa Rica


Costa Rica tourism official website
Isla del Coco
Isla del Caño

Whale & dolphin watching: Marino Ballena National Park
Diving & snorkeling in Costa Rica

Discover Costa Rica’s best tourist attractions and top sights through our map! Which are the best places to visit in Costa Rica and the best things to do in Costa Rica? Simply click on the map’s links to be quickly redirected to images and useful websites for accommodation, activities, transport and much more about Costa Rica travel.

To ensure that your travel experience is perfect, we especially recommend preparing a few thoughtful items before departure, such as customized Luggage Tags.

Customized luggage tag with your personal information on it not only helps you to easily identify your luggage but also gives you a clue on how to retrieve it quickly if it gets lost. It’s a great way to make your trip more worry-free.

photo © mytouristmaps (Playa Carrillo, Nicoya Peninsula)