Tourist map of SCOTLAND

Interactive travel and tourist map of Scotland: click on icons and writings on the map to open web links.

The land of castles, nature and legendary heroes like sir William Wallace or the movie character “the Highlander” sir Duncan MacLeod, with breathtaking mountain views, stunning islands, white sandy beaches, top whisky and maybe a lake monster.

Scotland (UK)

Population: 5.405.000 
Area: 77.935
Official Language: English
Currency: Pound Sterling 
Drivers Lane: Left
When to go: from April to September

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Rent a Car Flights

Sunrise and Sunset times Scotland
Tourist map of Scotland
Tourist map of Scotland


Scotland tourism official website
Wildlife watching in Scotland
Belmond Railway
Map of Whisky Distilleries in Scotland

Discover Scotland’s best tourist attractions and top sights through our map! Which are the best places to visit in Scotland and the best things to do in Scotland? Simply click on the map’s links to be quickly redirected to images and useful websites for accommodation, activities, transport and much more about Scotland travel.

photo © Matteo Banfi (Glencoe)