One of the most fascinating trips through the South American continent is definitely the one undertaken by the medical students Ernesto “Fuser” Guevara de la Serna and Alberto “Mial” Granado, began with a motorcycle (nicknamed “la Poderosa”) in 1951 from Buenos Aires (Argentina), through much of the Latin continent, to Caracas (Venezuela).
It was after having embarked on this trip that Ernesto Guevara de la Serna knew what would have been his future… becoming the revolutionary worldwide known as Ernesto “El Che” Guevara.

Ernesto Guevara told this experience in the diary Latinoamericana (Notas de viaje) from which, in 2004, was made the cult movie “The Motorcycle Diaries”.
Today the remains of Guevara are kept at the mausoleum of Santa Clara (Cuba), where the following quote can be read:
“One thing I’ve learned in Guatemala of Arbenz was that if I had never been a revolutionary doctor, or just a revolutionary, first there should be a revolution”
Ernesto “El Che” Guevara.
Ernesto “El Che” Guevara.